The city limits of the City of Saint Paul (City) consist of the entirety of Saint Paul Island and three geographical miles beyond the island into the Bering Sea. The City was incorporated in 1971 under the laws of the State of Alaska and became a second-class city, thereby assuming the responsibility and authority to provide public services from the United States government. Saint Paul Island is the largest of the Pribilof Islands, about 44 square miles in area and is home to approximately 480 people. Fishing is the primary source of economic activity, yielding primarily Opilio crab and halibut, both of which are processed on the island. St. Paul Island has been described as the “Galapagos of the North,” due to the yearly migration of over 211 bird species, the occasional rare bird, and 500,000 northern fur seals. The Bering Sea location results in cool weather year-round and a narrow range of mean temperatures varying from 15 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Average rainfall is 25 inches and snowfall is 56 inches. Heavy fog is common during the summer months. Known more descriptively as the Seal Islands, the Pribilofs are the historic breeding grounds of the world’s largest population of northern fur seals.

City Council and Mayor
City Council
The City of Saint Paul is run by a council-manager form of government. Members of the council are elected to serve for a period of three (3) years.
Under the council–manager form of government for municipalities, the elected governing body (commonly called a City Council) is responsible for the legislative function of the municipality such as establishing policy, passing local ordinances, voting appropriations, and developing an overall vision.
Regular meetings of the Saint Paul City Council are typically once a month, unless rescheduled or canceled. Meetings are held at the City Council Chambers located at City Hall, 950 Gorbatch Street, Saint Paul Island, Alaska 99660.
The Mayor is elected at large for a two-year term; they preside at meetings of the Council and certifies the passage of all ordinances and resolutions passed by it. The Mayor signs written obligations of the City as the Council may require. The Mayor votes in the case of a tie vote and has the power to veto ordinances and resolutions passed by the Council.
City Council
City Council
Jacob Merculief, Mayor
Jason Bourdukofsky, Vice Mayor
Heidi Merculief, Council Member
Joseph Kozloff, Council Member
Raymond Melovidov, Council Member
Daniel Porath, Council Member
Naomi Edenshaw, Council Member
City Manager
The City Manager is the chief executive officer of the City government and is responsible for executing the policies set by the City Council and administering the government of the City. The City Manager is hired by and works directly for the City Council. The City Manager has direct supervisory responsibility of all department heads and overall responsibility for all City personnel and functions. The City Manager also prepares the annual budget, submits it to the City Council, and administers it after council approval. Additionally, the City Manager is responsible for emergency preparedness and services and provides the direction, professional management and general administration of emergency preparedness and services.
City Clerk
The City Clerk provides administrative support to the city council and City Manager; administers the City-wide records management program and preserves City records; ensures the City’s legislative processes are open and public in accordance with Alaska’s Open Meetings Act; provides a link between constituents and government through the dissemination of information; conducts municipal elections; and performs all mandated functions under the City of Saint Paul Charter and Code. The City Clerk also assists with human resource functions of the City.
Contact the City Manager
Phillip A. Zavadil
907-341-3994 (Office)
907-717-8307 (Cell)
866-570-9745 (Fax)
Contact the City Clerk
Aubrey Wegeleben
907-600-4350 (Office)
866-570-9745 (Fax)
- 2025 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2024 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2023 Audited Financials
- 2023 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2022 Audited Financials
- 2022 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2021 Audited Financials
- 2021 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2021-2023 Strategic Plan
- Saint Paul CEDS (Community Economic Development Strategy) 2017-2022
- 2020 City of Saint Paul Budget Amendment, 10/20/20
- 2020 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2020 Audited Financials
- 2019 Auditor’s Letter
- 2019 Audited Financials
- 2019 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2018 City of Saint Paul Budget
- 2018 Audited Financials
- 2017 Audited Financials
- 2016 Audited Financials
- Capital Improvement Plan
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In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
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