Due to a reduction in City tax revenue, from no snow crab season this next year, the City is no longer able to afford the EMS services provided by Delta Medical Transport. The City is diligently looking for funding to continue having Delta provide this service for our community. In the meantime, Public Safety is seeking volunteers to assist with the Saint Paul EMS Squad.
We are looking for individuals to drive the ambulance or become an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT). Volunteering is multi–faceted in its importance to our community:
- It betters our community
- It betters you as an individual
- It brings us together as a community
- It helps keep our community afloat
- It may save your family or friend’s life
Sign up today by contacting Public Safety at:
907-546-3130 or 907-202-8586
What is ETT?
Emergency Trauma Technicians are the Heart of Alaskan First Responders.
Although this provider level is not technically a State of Alaska “certification”, as with emergency medical technicians (EMT’s), it does fulfill a need especially for rural and super-rural areas that do not have a dedicated EMS system. ETT courses are taught by State of Alaska certified instructors and occur throughout the state. It is a common course taught to high school students, Community Health Aide Practitioners and corporate industry.