On August 15, 2024, Senator Dan Sullivan, USCG Commandant Admiral Linda Fagan, and a Congressional staff delegation were welcomed to Saint Paul Island by community leaders from the Central Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association, the City of Saint Paul, the Pribilof School District, the Tanadgusix Corporation, and the Tribal Government. Despite the dense fog and rain, through skill and persistence, the C130 landed, allowing, for many onboard, their first visit to the island.
After touring the TDX hangar, the group met with community members and leaders for a luncheon at which they were treated to a cultural performance by the Tanax̂ Unaaĝim Maqax̂singin team. Everyone in attendance partook in loosening up their joints as they were led in learning the dance to Qilam ix̂amnaa.
The luncheon consisted of engagement with elders and leaders in discussion on community priorities and concerns to include federal retirement, tourism, infrastructure and disaster relief funding. Due to the inclement weather and delayed arrival, the delegation took a windshield tour of town, the small boat harbor, and the vessel repair/research facility.

Meeting with the Admiral and Senator here on island went great. It was a quick trip and I’m happy they were able to sample our local cuisine and meet with community members and leaders for discussions on what’s important to our people here! Those discussions are of importance to what we need for our community! I would like to thank all that were able to come and hope the discussions will help our community thrive!
—Mayor Jacob Merculief