Request for Proposals for Architectural, Engineering and Project Inspection Services

January 19, 2023—Request for Proposals for Architectural, Engineering and Project Inspection Services for the Saint Paul Small Boat Harbor Utility Expansion Project

The Project includes the extension and upgrade of water, sewer, and electric utility infrastructure to support commercial activity within Saint Paul Island’s small boat harbor area. Final design and environmental review and permitting are also included in this project.

The Project includes construction of the following:

  • Extension and upgrade of water, sewer, and electric utility infrastructure within Saint Paul’s small boat harbor area.
  • Extension of approximately 1,120 feet in 10-inch water main with 400 feet of 6-inch hydrant laterals, 130 feet of service lines and two fire hydrants.
  • Installation of approximately 860 feet of 8-inch gravity sewer main, abandonment of approximately 450 feet of existing sewer lines, installation of 500 feet of sewer force service lateral, and two sewer lift stations.
  • Installation of approximately 600 feet of primary underground cable, installation of two transformers, two sectionalizing cabinets, four new lighting poles, and approximately 1,060 feet of underground service/lighting cable.


Click here to read the full Request for Proposal packet, which includes the Preliminary Engineering Report.

The architectural, engineering and project inspection (hard cost) budget for the Project is $383,000.00.  The Project is federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration, Award # 07-79-07871.



Release of RFP —January 19, 2023
Proposals Due —February 17, 2023
Review of Proposals Completed —March 10, 2023
Selection of Contractor —March 31, 2023
Negotiation of Contract —April 15, 2023

To be considered, proposals must be received no later than Friday February 17, 2023, at 5:00 PM Alaska Time. Electronic proposals should be in PDF format and sent by email to If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact Phillip A. Zavadil, City Manager at 907-341-3994 or

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